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Conversational Concerts

Ever found your mind wandering at a concert? Thinking of mundane things rather than actively listening? At Conversational Concerts we believe that listening is no less active a skill than performing, and so we invite you to become just as involved in the music as the performers. Giving relaxed and informal introductions to every work, which avoid technical terms and encourage questions, we help you to connect more intimately with the music.

By exploring each work’s historical context, we not only discover why it was written, but also share our insights in order that you may rediscover for yourself the extraordinary in a work, especially where familiarity and the passage of time have made it appear commonplace.

Finally, before performing, we examine the sounds themselves, showing how the music is put together, explaining its ‘journey’, and giving aural signposts to help our audience to follow ‘the route’. So when we sit down to play, you really follow the gripping drama as it unfolds.

At Conversational Concerts, music doesn’t while away the hours –

it transcends them.

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